2013 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Missileers Reunion
San Antonio, TX – September 6, 2013
1715 Hours

The 2013 business meeting was called to order by Bill Simpson (TAC Missileers President) at 1715 hours. Tony Valovich (TAC Missileers Chaplain) led the group in a moment of silent prayer followed by the invocation. Bill then led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Bill welcomed attendees to San Antonio and introduced the TAC Missileers Officers starting with Joe Perkins (Executive Director), Max Butler (Treasurer / Membership Director), Art Gust (Historian), Russ Reston (Secretary / Webmaster) and Bob Bolton (Newsletter Editor).

Russ Reston (Secretary) gave a “shout out” to Max Butler for playing the key role in the organization’s day-to-day activities, as well as the reunion planning and coordination. Russ then read the minutes from the 2011 Reunion in San Diego. They were accepted as read.

Max Butler (Treasurer), gave a brief overview of the organization’s financial status, advising there is a current balance of approximately $25,000, before payment of expenses to Pat O’Brien’s for the evening’s buffet (approximately $5,000).

Art Gust (Historian) advised that the memorabilia area would be open until approximately 2000 hours and that any materials left after then would be donated to the Museum of the Air Force in Dayton.

Bob Bolton (Newsletter Editor) reminded attendees that he is always looking for content for the Newsletter. Input is much appreciated. While photos may be better suited for the website, text and stories make the newsletters interesting and informative. Please send your newsletter input to Bob.

Discussion Items:

    Old Business:

  • Website password: Russ reiterated that its intent was to encourage TAC Missileers membership, by allowing newsletter access and website subscription to active members only. Russ reminded the group that the current password is (not shown) and it is the same password for all members. The group’s consensus was to continue password use to limit newsletter access.
  • Alaskan MM1: Bill advised the group that an MM1 is for sale ($50,000) in Alaska and asked if there was any interest in obtaining it for restoration. Joe suggested that $50,000 is probably “over our head.” Attendees agreed. A motion was made, seconded and approved. No action will be taken to obtain the MM1.
  • Mt. Soledad Plaque: At the 2011 meeting, David Coddington had suggested placing a TAC Missileers plaque on Mt. Soledad (San Diego). Russ recommended that no action be taken. A motion was made, seconded and approved. No action will be taken to place a plaque on Mt. Soledad.

    New Business:

  • Website: Approximately 6 months ago, Russ advised the Officers that he planned to step down as webmaster and asked them to find a replacement. The search was unsuccessful. As an alternative, Russ advised that he was willing to continue on as webmaster if the organization would make a small monthly contribution ($30) to the charity of his choice. Max presented Russ’ proposal to the membership. Much discussion ensued. Some members felt the any contribution should be made only to a military related charity. Russ responded that the charity had to be to the one of his choice. As an alternative, it was suggested that Russ be paid $30 / month to be used however he wishes. The suggestion was amended to $360 / year. A motion was proposed and seconded. Russ will receive $360 / year for webmaster services, to be used however he wishes.
  • Election of Officers: The floor was opened to nomination of Offices. All Officers, except Russ, advised that they were willing to continue serving in their current position. Russ advised, regrettably, that he would not be standing for re-election. Larry Idleman nominated David DeRain to become Secretary. Ray Lischka seconded the nomination. Joe, Bill, Max, Bob and Art were re-elected in their current positions and David DeRain was elected Secretary, replacing Russ.
  • 2015 Reunion: Bill reviewed the results of the survey that was included in the Reunion welcome packages. (There were 47 respondents.)
    • 83% indicated they planned to attend the 2015 Reunion. The remaining 13% were unsure.
    • 81% would like to see more tours offered.
    • 53% would like to see the Reunion held in a permanent location.
    • 44 locations were nominated for the 2015 Reunion (each survey form allowed 3 locations to be nominated). The top 5 were: Denver – 41 votes, Orlando – 42 votes, Boston – 34 votes and Washington, DC – 26 votes

Gary Colsch proposed that 2015 location be decided by a vote of the top 3 (Denver, Orlando and Boston). His proposal was seconded and approved. Result of the subsequent vote was: Boston – 34 votes; Denver – 32 votes and Orlando – 24 votes. The 2015 Reunion will be held in Boston.

Curtis McKee stated that at an earlier Reunion (?), it was decided that Embassy Suites would be used for all future reunions. The Officers advised that Embassy Suites would be considered for the 2015 Reunion.

Tony Valovich gave the closing prayer.

Ray Lischka led the attendees a in a round of applause for the Officers and all their efforts.

The meeting adjourned at 1800 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Russ Reston
Outgoing TAC Missileers Secretary

ps – I’d like to say thanks to everyone for their support during the last 4 years that I have served as TAC Missileers Secretary! It has been a pleasure and I have enjoyed interfacing with y’all. Regrettably, for personal reasons, I am unable to continue my role as your Secretary. My regards and best wishes to all. Russ